Book Reviews: Season 4
Pray Everyday!
Book by: D. Linn Whorley
Illustrated by: Childbook Illustrations
Reviewed by: Jordan Rivers
How often do you pray? Well, a young boy named Champ was watching TV one day when the newscaster reminded the viewers that they should pray every day. You heard it right, every day! This sparked Champ’s curiosity. He not only wanted to begin praying every day, but he also wanted to know why it was important. Can you think of reasons why you should pray every day?
​Turn the Pages Book Review series invites you to discover a world of possibilities and adventure as your host, Author Jordan Rivers, reviews Pray Everyday by D. Linn Whorley. Join her as she gives you a brief synopsis of the story, learn a few lessons taken from the book, and download a FREE book-based project and worksheet.
Don't forget to turn the pages for yourself to see what happens next!

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White construction paper, yellow,purple, and brown felt sheets,black marker,praying hand coloring sheet.
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Season 4
Pray Everyday!
- Activity Sheet