Book Reviews: Season 4
Twin Tales
Alike and Different
Book by: Brielle Dupervil & Nadia Dupervil
Illustrated by: Folksnfables
Reviewed by: Jordan Rivers
Heeeyyyy!!! They have my face!! Can you imagine what it’ll be like if you had a twin? When you are identical it would be really hard for people to recognize which one is which. In this story, two twin sisters are alike but very different. They have different foods that they like, different colors, and much more. Can you guess in what other ways twins can be distinguishable?
​Turn the Pages Book Review series invites you to discover a world of possibilities and adventure as your host, Author Jordan Rivers, reviews Twin Tales Alike and Different by Brielle Dupervil & Nadia Dupervil. Join her as she gives you a brief synopsis of the story, learn a few lessons taken from the book, and download a FREE book-based project and worksheet.
Don't forget to turn the pages for yourself to see what happens next!

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Season 4
Twin Tales Alike and Different
- Activity Sheet